Tuesday, December 06, 2005


that's my car... yup...he's got a name, and its a HE not a SHE. gue gak pernah bisa ngerti kalo sebuah mobil itu diasosiasikan dengan wanita...???!!! hah! car is all about power and good design, whereas woman is all about beauty and grace (not to forget: smart!!). it's just simply unacceptable to compare the two of'em. how could a person do such a thing?

take my veebee for example, ok...i name it veebee, but that does not necessarily mean its a SHE! veebee looks small, elegant and reliable, yes, but now try to imagine it as a portrait of a woman....that's ridiculous!!! for the sake of all women, we ought to kill and burn the f*@ker who create that stupid impression!

....honda jazz....
buy this car if you've never own a car before (nope, those mercedezes and bimers that can only takes you anywhere as long as your gasoline's money has been transfered by your daddy does not count as personal property, sorry!). it's not exactly cheap, but worth every rupiah! comfortable enough for 4 person (mind you, the sits are still too hard, but you'll get use to it), small and compact (the ultra seat system is overwhelming), and... 1:13 gasoline consumption!
the downside would be the height of the ground clearance. your heartbeat would zoom up to 174bpm once the rain starts to get heavier....banjir man!!!!

ok, cukup dulu promosinya. just put a look out for a sky-blue jazz "B 8325 VB" ...yup, the name derives from the plate number ;p